Walking coaching and retreats

Why take up walking coaching?

Walking coaching is coaching in the open air...

Why not vibe with nature by ditching the indoors and bringing our coaching sessions outside?

How is it different from indoor coaching?

Walking coaching is coaching outdoors, in the city or the countryside. As we trade in your familiar, predictable surroundings (between four walls) for walking in the outdoors, I take advantage of the spontaneous stimuli of outdoor elements to work on your main target question. In a constantly changing environment, this often helps to take some distance from your current situation and my questions and interventions will resonate in an entirely different way.

As such, walking and nature become true allies in the coaching sessions.

What can walking coaching do for you?

  • You set your own pace... I walk with you, beside you, close by, whilst guiding you.
  • We walk side by side, making it easier to talk and let your thoughts flow more freely.
  • The fresh outdoor air has a positive effect on body and mind. You slow down, inhale and exhale, stop here and there. Your body relaxes and you feel peaceful. You (re)discover your senses and your creativity is heightened.
  • Walking literally gets you going. You feel freer, with more space to move. Your steps take you beyond a mere thought process and you get closer to yourself. You listen to your body, to what it needs... You may step into (unknown) territories of feelings, emotions and what moves you. Your "I think" and "I must" evolve into "I feel" and "I want", expanding your horizon of possibilities, solutions or actions.

Nature and walking become allies to help you get where you want to be and become who you want to be.

Do you wonder why you should go for a walk too?

If you…

  • lead a busy life,
  • live by tight deadlines,
  • create endless to-do lists,
  • only want to stop when you have finished your tasks (which is almost never)

and you wonder...

  • “For whom and for what am I actually doing all this?”
  • “Is this really necessary?”
  • “When will this stop?”
  • “Is there really no other way?”

Or do you dream of walking through life with a smile on your face?

Then let me help you to handle your energy more consciously and strike a healthier balance between exertion and relaxation.

I know for myself that when I walk, I am a “happy wanderer”.

I cannot wait to discover who you are when you walk!


Loopbaanbegeleiding VDAB in partnership with the career centre YourCoach

Stéphanie Stéphanie

Walk with Stéphanie

Your partner in leadership and personal development