Walking coaching and retreats

Walk and more

Walk your change | 3 hours

Let’s leave our predictable indoor environment and go out for a walk.

Let’s walk side by side, which makes talking smoother and easier. Allow more space for your emotions and feelings, let your senses pick up all kinds of stimuli and get in touch with your body and your breathing.

Let’s allow ourselves to be surprised by what comes along. I will respond to the stimuli of our walking surrounding, use (walking coach) techniques and give you assignments to work on your target question.

As we walk, my questions and interventions will resonate differently with you in comparison to your familiar environment, ensuring progress on your theme.

So prepare your theme question and put on your walking shoes!


Individual career coaching (such as a 90-minute walking coaching session) can be covered with the VDAB loopbaancheques.     

Are you in need of individual coaching and do you feel like going outside?

Get in touch for an intake interview.


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