Walking coaching and retreats

Coming soon
Walk and more

Walk your growth | 1 day

Let’s head together for a walk that is centred around a learning theme. Before we set off, I explain the learning objectives. Then, as we walk, you learn about the theory and practical exercises I provide. We share experiences and challenge each other in a constructive way, contributing to everyone's learning experience.

We walk 6 to 9 km in the open air. Bring your own lunch and a few drinks.

You will return home with a clear understanding and knowledge of the subject. You will receive a personal and scientifically based individual report on the learning topic. You will learn to read and interpret your own results.

And who knows, our paths may cross again later, for example if you should need individual coaching. Individual career coaching can be covered with the VDAB loopbaancheques.

Choose your topic, fill in the questionnaire and have your notebook at the ready!


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