Walking coaching and retreats

Coming soon
Walk and more

Walk your way | 3 days

Let’s go on a walking retreat as a group. Everyone who comes along does so with their own personal motive or goal. Let’s take some distance and go out into nature together. Nature and walking become your allies, time your new friend.

Press the pause button and finally take some time for yourself, time you need to reflect on your theme. I will guide you along with individual and group (walking) coaching techniques and use interventions to work on your target question.

We will walk 10 to 15 km/day at a pace of about 4 km/hour. We start and finish each day together. You only need to carry a daypack.

We have a nice meal together and we enjoy quiet, pleasant evenings where we take time to reflect and take good care of ourselves.

In the company of like-minded people, you can unplug for a while and connect with yourself and nature. Who knows, you may even discover (new) insights and commit to continuing on your path.

Pack your backpack and stop time!


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